Sunday, November 23, 2008

Binky herding and other nine month antics


Sorry for not a lot of posting. Two of the clan have been sick, namely, me and MissK. A week ago, I got a call from daycare to pick up Kira, who had been running a fever and was generally not herself. A doctor's visit quickly identified baby's first ear infection, and we got some lovely tasting antibiotics for her. I'm so glad we took her to the doctor, because she immediately started to get better.

K is changing every day. Yesterday was the first day, ever, that I walked into her room to find her sitting up -- meaning, she sat herself up by herself from a laying down position. It's like suddenly that light just turned on in her head, and now she's doing it all the time.

She's also very much into exploring the world around her. Today, she found the DVD player and was so happy with herself, touching all the buttons, until Mom pulled her away, at which point she showed one of her new tricks -- a blood-curdling protest wail. Yikes.

I spend a lot of time during the weekend watching her, and trying to figure out what she's working on. For the last few days, she has gathered a bunch of binkys around her. She then carefully picks one up, inspects it carefully by turning it around in her hands, then puts it in her mouth. Then, she puts it back down on the ground, carefully, and moves onto the next. Last night, she expanded on her binky-herding repetoire by pulling over her other toys and hitting them with her binkys to make sound. She did this over and over, carefully putting down one binky, picking up the next, and repeating the hitting routine.

The big outing for the weekend was going to powerline pass to ski yesterday with friends. This was the first time we used the burley and ski kit, and, after a bit of wrangling with the parts, we were on our way. Frank pulled Kira most of the time, and Kira went to sleep after about two minutes of skiing. I think we were out for about an hour and a half. I'm so happy that we're able to involve Kira in our ski outings, and that we've gotten good at keeping her warm and toasty.

Anyways, K's waking up, but I thought I'd write something on the blog while I had some time :)
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Monday, November 03, 2008


Kira wants to remind you to go out and VOTE!

What an eventful weekend! I spent Friday and Saturday sick as a dog, and then on Sunday we went to the fun that was early voting! It was like a queue with no ride at the end...except it was through a tiny little building. Like we almost always find up here, people are very cordial and friendly, especially when it comes to baby. Kira became really irritated around the hour mark (and who wasn't), but she hung in there with help from all the friendly early voting people. All in all, it took an hour and a half to vote on Sunday!

Kira is doing great. She is now purposefully crawling to objects that she wants (video is being uploaded as we speak). Weekends are wonderful but also exhausting, as Kira is still learning to play by herself at home. She is a flurry of babbling, clapping, smiles, curiosity, and gestures from morning to nighttime. Luckily, this does tire her out, and you can count on her sleeping peacefully by 8pm (knock on wood).

In holiday news, I am debating what fru-fru outfit Miss K requires for her holiday cheer. I am goofy over the on sale sweater dresses and crazy matching tights (like here). They would make such a fantastic picture for our christmas cards! When I am in a really goofy mood, I think of getting us all matching outfits -- now that would make a REAL super-fantastic card, don't you think?
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