Friday, March 11, 2005

March comes in like a Lion....

Well, I think the weather is changing. Although the snow is not completely gone enough to see new shoots of grass, it's clear that the 40 degree temperatures we've experienced, to the chagrin of Outsiders in the midst of a cold snap, aren't going anywhere fast.

However, with warm fronts and cold fronts mixing around the mountains, hillside is in the midst of some crazy weather. Last night, I woke around 1am to hear little ice pellets hitting the windows and wind shaking the house. It was shaking the house repeatedly...with these big whoosh sounds that sound like when an explosion or sonic boom occurs around you. It was so bad that, even at 1am, I took a stroll around the house looking for damage. All I felt missing from this adventure was swirling winds, and perhaps a thunder crack or two, but Anchorage has no tornado sirens and thunderstorm warnings are unheard of.

Today at sunrise, I watched the tree twice as tall as my house sway about 15 degrees to the side in the wind. I was also very annoyed at someone's wind chimes which have not ripped off the deck (yet). And we are still getting that whoosh blast of wind that sounds like someone is slamming the door constantly.

Now, in the afternoon, suddenly I look up and realize that all the clouds are completely gone, and the sun is out. Should I believe it's spring yet?????

1 comment:

wild gosling said...

in kentucky, we're being teased and lead on by 60 degree weather, then snow, 55 degree weather, then snow. it just crushes the spirit... ;-)