=SKI SEASON!!!!!!!!
Sunday, most of Anchorage got almost 6 inches of snow, causing lots of accidents. Strangely, here we got about two inches of snow, and a lot of freezing rain.
On the way to Yoga on the west side of town I felt very adventurous and "hearty". No, Anchorage does not stop moving when it snows six inches unexpectedly! As "Safety Girl", I had my entire snow ensemble on (hat, gloves, ski jacket, snow boots) just in case my car found the ditch. I drove very slowly, attempting to divine the tracks of other motorists by subtle variations in the snow white cover on the road, since the plows apparently had not gotten to these roads yet. As I wiped off the two inches that fell while I was in Yoga, it came to me how far I'd come since my winter accident in Ohio -- I was still nervous about driving, but, there I was, driving along in what the midwest would call treacherous conditions.
The other part of snow season in Anchorage that is important is the obsession with keeping the snow off the driveway. You can't let it go even one day! Last year, we started to be lazy, which made our driveway an ice rink. Because someone had to get at the snow Sunday before the freezing rain (we'll not have an ice rink again!), I hopped out to shovel the driveway. Scooting along, throwing snow as far as I could, I got to thinking how much I like snow shoveling. It's probably what other allergy-free people like about mowing the lawn. I like it because it's repetitive hard work, allows me to engage face to face with the snow, and I'm pretty good at it (good back + good "knee-bending" technique). I got the entire three-car driveway done in thirty minutes!
Either way, things look good for XC skiing tonight!
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