Saturday, May 24, 2008

"If this is the worst thing that happens to her.."

UPDATE: VIDEOS are now in the three month album to the right.

Kira is growing up so fast! Sometimes I look at her and realize that she's not a newborn anymore.

Last night, she found a cardboard box and could not stop feeling the edges with her hands, leaning forward on it like she wanted it to support her weight. It occupied her for about a half hour. This morning, she was fascinated with a rattle, and finally was successful in grabbing for it. When she got it in her mouth, though, she was so angry to find out it was hard.

In trauma news, while trying to tame her "talons" with the baby nail clippers, I took a little bit of Kira's finger out. She was very very upset, but probably not as upset as I was -- all I could think was "look at me, I'm a terrible mother, cutting off my daughter's fingers". As I was apologizing tearfully to my screaming baby, all these awful scenarios kept going through my head about blood clot disorders, blood poisoning, emergency rooms and stitches. Perhaps that was a little bit of an overreaction considering the wound stopped bleeding within 10 minutes, and Kira gave me a huge smile. By the morning, everything looked great and by today (48 hours post-trauma) you can hardly notice a thing.

In non-trauma news, we have a garden again this year! Lots of beans, herbs, strawberries and raspberries will be on our menus this summer. We are definitely in summer now, with our long nights. This morning, we even had one clap of thunder, which is really unusual for Alaska.

We've already got a good crop of rhubarb, and I'm busy making weekly deserts to keep up with it. This week, we're going to have rhubarb-berry crumble pie.

I also know that the link below doesn't work to youtube, and am working on it :)

Have a fantastic Memorial Day weekend!

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