Thursday, December 09, 2004


Scared you, didn't I? I just thought you'd like to know that earthquakes happen here all the time, but they aren't scary. There were three today at various times -- I have only really felt one (on a sunday there was one that was almost a 4), the others really just feel like the ground is shaking because there's an airplane overhead. Oh wait, sometimes they are airplanes flying overhead. Either way, I've learned to sleep through both -- all that "training" in Oxford :). To check out the current seismic activity, look for earthquakes in the cook inlet region.

You might wonder what the emergency preparations are in an earthquake. FEMA says Drop, Cover, and Hold On, meaning don't run out of the house or try to find an appropriate doorway. Just get under something, like a table.

Anyways, happy thoughts for you today from Alaska!

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