Saturday, June 17, 2006


Hey! I ran the Mayor's Half Marathon today! Things were different this year, namely:
1) It was threatening to rain, but didn't rain vs. last year's downpour
2) I had no training for this race, which was an interesting challenge.

Despite no training, I did pretty well (2:16). Here are some of the moments I remember from the race:
-- Geese "fly-by" over the runners at the start line
-- The Alaska State song still sounds like "He Leadeth Me".
-- Running through the purple wave of TnT-ers at the start.
-- Two planes flying right over the treeline approaching the airport.
-- The beautiful lupines along the airport road after the turn-around (who doesn't feel great at the turnaround?)
-- The two mid-age impressive guys who ran past me very closely, then walked at the mile 11 water stop.
-- The guy that showed up in flip flops and canvas shorts to a half marathon.
-- Talking to DeeDee Jonrowe (although I didn't know it was her until later) about triathlons along the big hill at the end (who is the twisted mind that puts the big hill at the end of the race?)

All in all, a great day! I am tired!

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