Friday, February 01, 2008

Super Tuesday in AK

For a hoot, I looked up how to vote here in AK in the upcoming Super Tuesday ruckus. Because our state is SO BIG, voting kind of becomes an issue.

The democratic party (let's face it, it's small) has a caucus on Super Tuesday. In order to be a part of the fun if you reside in Anchorage/Eagle River, you have to get to Begich Middle school, which is way over on the other side of town, during rush hour. Of course, I am complaining about a small thing. Imagine you want to be involved, and you live in one of the interior villages, a HUGE area? You have a choice of Ft. Yukon or Nenana.

The republicans hold a "preference vote", and you have to drive downtown to the Egan Center, unless you live in district 21, which is meeting in the How How restaurant.

UPDATED: More information on Tuesday in AK here.


wild gosling said...

kira's upside-down! she's just about ready to go now, isn't she?

how fun that you get to caucus. it seems so fascinatingly old-fashioned, having to get together as a party and have to make a decision...together. it just seems much more civilized. :D

chaipo said...

Ha! I wish she was :) Less than 40 days though!

The problem with the caucus is that it requires one to grapple with rush hour and parking (all at 5pm, so you get the traffic AND have to pay for the parking) since there is only one place where you caucus in the whole town. Think of all of the democrats in Cincinnati crowding into a middle school to get an idea.

Happy Tuesday!